Thursday, January 13, 2011

Yes, I am alive!

Well I survived...

Apologies for not updating this blog in the last, hum, 2 months! It has been a rollarcoaster and I'm finally settling back into life. Now, to begin where I left off.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I was in North Africa for a week and wow, what an incredible week. The things that I saw, the people I met, the people I travelled with, the work that we did... amazing!

Airplane food

I had hopes of writing a longer blog about the trip after I processed everything that happened. I managed to come back safe and sound without any stomach problems or lost luggage or injuries. The only downer was having to leave the beautiful group of women that I travelled around with for the week. They were all so caring and a joy to be around. In the end, I had to say goodbye to my sisters and face an Arrivals hall that was full of people, but no one I recognised. Next time I get back, I am hoping someone will meet me at the airport.

Me on the balcony

It was then time for the countdown to Christmas. To keep everyone up to date, I had a countdown on my skype profile and updated it every day. I started at 38 days, obviously ending at 0.

The weeks leading up to Christmas were a blur of meetings, emails, phone calls, work work work and then SNOW!! It snowed for 5 hours straight the morning I was leaving to head to Birmingham airport. An hour before my flight was due to to board, they made an announcement that the runway had to be de-iced. And it was all downhill from there.

Failed attempt to get home

Eventually, after waiting around and franctically checking the Aer Lingus website over and over. I found out that my flight was canceled. I had to hand in my boarding card, collect my bag and rebook for the next day. While I was in the queue, I called a local hotel and booked myself in for the night (See... not just a hat rack).

In the words of Bill Bailey....

I settled into the hotel for the day, unpacking and repacking my suitcase (of course). I watched two movies and nipped out to the pub next door for some dinner and a mug of spiced cider, sitting next to a giant Christmas tree in a quaint English pub. I then headed back to the hotel for yet another nights sleep in rented accomodation.

My view

The next morning, I headed back to the airport early and after another 4 hour delay, I was sitting on the plane home. I landed in Dublin airport 28 hours later than expected but my dad was still there to welcome me back. I had missed out on two of my planned meetings but I was just so glad to be back. Then, I had to deal with the Irish snow. Dublin airport was closed on and off for a few days leading up to Christmas, so I was lucky on both ends to get back.

My street

I then had a beautiful two weeks at home with friends and family. I met up with most people who were available and was able to walk the pier, have a shopping trip in town and Dundrum, as well as eat in Harry's cafe twice. I got to reschedule the sleep over with the girls and celebrate being together again.
After many stolen moments that ended too soon, it was time to go back.

Dublin city

My flight back wasn't delayed at all and after 5 hours of travelling, I made it back to the house and colapsed on my bed. I had an extra day off in between coming home and work, so I took it easy. Heading out to the supermarket with my room mate, stocking up on essentials and then relaxing for the evening before work. I am slowly settling back in to life here and hope to keep a better update on this blog.

Take care my lovlies, you all mean so much to me...

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